Now Turn Chromium OS Can be run on the Nexus 7

Now Turn Chromium OS Can be run on the Nexus 7

Some people are known to love doing the tests various devices to try with the operating system rather than the default.One of the best known is Hexxeh,who not long ago porting Chromium OS into the iPad.

This time, Hexxeh is back performing his hobby by installing Chromium operating system into the Nexus 7,one tablet is still one family with Chromium.Both of these Google products it can put together even though one optimized products for pure touch device While the other is intended for devices with physical keyboard.

Details about the This porting process is still not clearly revealed,However it was reported that the wifi function and touch input can function normally.As a device that rely on touch input and internet network, then it can be considered the ability of Chromium OS on tablets Nexus 7 was quite impressive.

However, Hexxeh stressed that attempts it does is merely for entertainment. So, just maybe this effort will not be followed by the release of the Chromium OS operating system for the Nexus 7 which could be tried publicly.
